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We're writing content for people who want to plan, design, create, publish and promote online courses.

If It's Good Enough for Brain Surgery, It's Good Enough for Your Pr...

It is not the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.Charles Darwin   A Clash of Beliefs This post is...

Training Your Franchisees to Bring Home the Results You Both Need

If your business model is based upon franchising your business then you'll know just how important franchisee results are. Without their success, you fail! Any competent...

Smart Phones are Now Harming Your Business and Here's Why

Is it me or have service standards been dumbed down by the smartness of phones? Everywhere I turn it seems, there are people on their phones catching a quick look at their...

How Businesses Can Educate Their Customers to Improve Customer Sati...

For many years since first being published in a Harvard Business Review, it's a generally accepted rule that loyal customers buy more, purchase more often, cost you less to...

Apple's Secret Genius Training Manual, Is It a Reference for All Co...

There are so many ways in which Apple has brought change into our world. They've dented the universe for sure. If only our personal universe. From their devices to their...

Benefits of Using Ready To Use Training Materials

Ready-for-use (RFU) training materials have been around a long time. I can remember using them back in the 1980's when I first began training. Those were in the days...

How easyJet Passengers are Facing a ‘Bonk’ in Their Customer Experi...

Firstly, I will explain for those unfamiliar with biking terms that ‘a bonk’ is cycling’s classic term for hitting a brick wall. My eldest son is into...

Our Encounter of 'Amazing'. A Lexus Launch

Popped through our letterbox the other day came our invite to the launch of the new Lexus GS at our local dealer. As I opened and read the information inside it read "You...

American Hunter Kills BMW Customer Service Agent

This post describes a recent experience I had which falls outside of the norm and one which on the face of it I would have expected to have been resolved fairly easily. The...

Passionate Pillow Talk of the Customer Experience Kind

In this post, you will learn from an experience I had when travelling aboard a cruise ship and what to ask if you want similar extraordinary things to happen with your own...

Don’t Be Boring, Dull And Lifeless! Put On Those Pink Gloves And St...

With the explosion of business reality shows like Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Natural Born Sellers, The Restaurant, the list goes on, we are increasingly using...

Why I Get Naked at Work to Improve Our Customer Focussed Culture

I have just read an interesting article from a contributor on LinkedIn that I love. Her name is Liz Ryan. She writes with such inspiration from the heart and her...
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