FAQs For Our Online Course Creation Service

If the FAQs below miss a question you have then email us on [email protected] or book a Clarity Call for a longer chat.
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  • How do I know if this process is right for me?
  • If we need to convince you that online courses sell and that they are a valuable way to build your brand then you are not ready for our done for you services. This service is provided for people that already know why they want to create a course and have decided to go ahead and make it happen. They're just looking for the best way forward. Typically they are way to busy in other areas or their business to get involved in the detail of creating courses. They believe in sticking to what they are best and would rather find a great course creation partner and delegate the task to them.

  • What kind of topics can you work with me on?
  • Our expertise is in course creation and instructional design so we can work on whatever topic you choose. We'll advise you of any limitations we foresee if any, so you know about these upfront. You have the freedom to work with us on any subject area knowing that we have the capability to create an awesome course for you.

  • I'm the expert on the subject so shouldn't it be me that makes the course, not you?
  • That's the whole point of our service. You are the expert on your topic NOT course design. We are skilled at assimilating the know-how from subject specialists and then building engaging courses and learner experiences that deliver real transformations. You probably don't have the course creation skill set required to create an excellent course. That means if you want to do it yourself you'll need to learn those skills. That slows the process down and will ultimately affect the overall cost and quality.

  • I don’t know what my course should be about so what do I do now?
  • That's fine. Most people aren't that clear, to begin with, but they find that after a few conversations with us the topics begin to crystallize and the clarity comes. Our role is to help you get that clarity so that you can target the right course to the right audience.

  • Which is the 'best' online course hosting platform I should use?
  • That depends upon a number of factors. Most are very good, a few are excellent. As we develop your course and talk with you about your goals and if you want to scale your offers then you'll begin to narrow down the 'best' option for you. We have our favourites and we can advise you on the pros and cons for each. Then you can make an informed decision. 

  • I neither have a blog or a book and I've never taught a class before. Does that matter?
  • No. What matters is whether or not you have expertise in an area that students can benefit from. A blog or book is not essential. Most people have neither. What's of most value is your personal expertise, knowledge, and experience that you will bring to the course content. The fact that you have never taught a class is irrelevant too.

  • What does a course look like?
  • Every course is different simply because every course creator has their own personal requirements for the look and feel for their course. It may have to match existing brand colours and fonts etc. Normally though courses are slide based or have a talking head type of video incorporated. Sometimes lessons can just be text based or can include audio only. Getting the look and feel right is a key part of the design phase so we make sure you're delighted before we progress.

  • At the end of the project what do you hand over to me?
  • You get the source files zipped and neatly ordered so that everything's in its logical place. That means you have the course ready to go live and be published on your hosting platform of choice. Your zip file will contain all your videos, course materials, scripts, PDFs etc, literally everything you need to set up your course on its hosting platform.

  • How long is a course and how do you structure the course for me?
  • First of all the key thing to remember is that your course is built from scratch so we're not trying to squeeze it into an existing template. If this is your first project we'll be encouraging you to focus on creating a course that doesn't drown your student in too much material but helps them achieve a real outcome in a focused area. This means your course is likely to have between 3 - 5 modules with 5 - 10 lessons per module. We recommend that your lessons are no more than 10 minutes long (research tells us engagement drops if they're much longer.) Normally we recommend assessments and quizzes too.

  • Do you publish my course for me?
  • The Complete Service fee does not cover the cost of publishing your course to your chosen platform. We can do this for you but there's an additional cost which we can provide if needed.

  • How much money will my course make?
  • We can't give you any guarantees to how much your course will make as there are too many variables to consider. People's motives for course creation vary from person to person. It can be to build their brand, generate leads, building your audience, generating an income and dominating a niche. By building yourself a course that demonstrates your expertise in a particular niche, you get to dominate that niche, similar to the way books do. What then flows from that position can be extensive and far beyond the revenue generated from the course sales alone.

  • What if I don't like what you've created?
  • We're confident that will never happen! Why? Because you get to sign everything off step by step and everything is based upon your input. We don't build your course in isolation and then deliver it as a finished item. We check in with you at the key stages so we're never in a position where there's surprise you don't like.

  • I want to do go ahead but I'm just SOOOO busy right now. I'm worried you'll swamp me in tasks?
  • We're going to do about 90% of the work but you have to be able to find time for our telephone calls to discuss the project and have the interview for the content elements. If you know you're going to find it really difficult to give us your time, it's best not to start until you can make the commitment. We won't swamp but you have to be available or you will hold up your own progress.

  • How much of my time do you need?
  • Your course will be completed within 12 weeks. During that time we'll need you for a total of about 24 hours spread across the project span. The most we need you for at any one time is 90 minutes. 

  • I'm ready to start. What do I do next?
  • Great. All you need to do is purchase the service that suits you best and the rest will follow after you leave the check out area.


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